SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ntm_outdent_node]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[ntm_outdent_node] GO /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ntm_outdent_node Script Date: 3/8/2001 2:38:42 PM ******/ /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ntm_outdent_node Script Date: 3/8/2001 1:26:25 PM ******/ /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ntm_outdent_node Script Date: 3/8/2001 11:17:26 AM ******/ /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ntm_outdent_node Script Date: 3/7/2001 11:02:49 AM ******/ /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.ntm_outdent_node Script Date: 3/7/2001 10:14:59 AM ******/ /** * Stored Procedure: dbo.ntm_outdent_node * Creation Date: Jan 1, 2001 * * Outdent a node of a Nested Tree. Nodes can only be outdented one level * at a time. * * Mar 8, 2001 - David Medinets - Updated routine to match outdent business rules of (and therefore MS Project). * Mar 8, 2001 - David Medinets - Added @switch_to_internal_id so that applications where * multiple parents aren't needed can ignore the * InternalNodeID value. * Mar 7, 2001 - David Medinets - @ErrorMessage passes errors to calling routine. * Feb 9, 2001 - David Medinets - Modifed routine to use dynamic table name * Feb 7, 2001 - David Medinets - Modifed routine to use InternalNodeID * Feb 7, 2001 - David Medinets - Modifed routine to support ParentID field. * Feb 7, 2001 - David Medinets - Modifed routine to support multple trees in the ntm_nodes table. **/ CREATE PROCEDURE ntm_outdent_node @ErrorMessage varchar(250) = NULL OUTPUT -- * Error message returned to caller object ,@node_table_name varchar(255) = 'ntm_nodes' ,@TreeID uniqueidentifier ,@OutdentID uniqueidentifier ,@switch_to_internal_id bit = 0 ,@str_debug varchar(255) = "NODEBUG" as begin declare @sql_str nvarchar(2000) declare @new_parent_id uniqueidentifier declare @outdent_parent_id uniqueidentifier declare @outdent_nleft int declare @outdent_nright int declare @parent_nleft int declare @parent_nright int declare @new_parent_id_str nvarchar(50) declare @outdent_id_str nvarchar(50) declare @outdent_nleft_str nvarchar(50) declare @outdent_nright_str nvarchar(50) declare @parent_nright_str nvarchar(50) declare @outdent_parent_id_str nvarchar(50) declare @tree_id_str nvarchar(50) if @TreeID is null begin set @errormessage = 'Error - TreeID can not be null.' goto ErrorHandler end if @OutdentID is null begin set @errormessage = 'Error - OutdentID can not be null.' goto ErrorHandler end set @tree_id_str = '''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @TreeID) + '''' if @switch_to_internal_id = 1 begin set @sql_str = N' select @OutdentID = InternalNodeID from ' + @node_table_name + N' where NodeID = ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @OutdentID) + N''' ' execute sp_executesql @sql_str, N'@OutdentID uniqueidentifier out', @OutdentID out end begin transaction set @sql_str = N' select @outdent_parent_id = ParentID ,@outdent_nleft = nleft ,@outdent_nright = nright from ' + @node_table_name + N' (TABLOCK HOLDLOCK) where TreeID = ' + @tree_id_str + N' and InternalNodeID = ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @OutdentID) + '''' execute sp_executesql @sql_str, N'@outdent_parent_id uniqueidentifier out, @outdent_nleft int out, @outdent_nright int out', @outdent_parent_id out, @outdent_nleft out, @outdent_nright out set @sql_str = N' select @new_parent_id = ParentID, @parent_nleft = nleft, @parent_nright = nright from ' + @node_table_name + N' (TABLOCK HOLDLOCK) where TreeID = ' + @tree_id_str + N' and InternalNodeID = ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @outdent_parent_id) + '''' execute sp_executesql @sql_str, N'@new_parent_id uniqueidentifier out, @parent_nleft int out, @parent_nright int out', @new_parent_id out, @parent_nleft out, @parent_nright out -- If no records are found then the node is outdented as far as it can go. if @parent_nleft is not null begin set @outdent_id_str = '''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @outdentid) + '''' if @new_parent_id is null set @new_parent_id_str = 'null' else set @new_parent_id_str = '''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @new_parent_id) + '''' if @outdent_parent_id is null set @outdent_parent_id_str = 'null' else set @outdent_parent_id_str = '''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @outdent_parent_id) + '''' set @outdent_nleft_str = convert(nvarchar(50), @outdent_nleft) set @outdent_nright_str = convert(nvarchar(50), @outdent_nright) set @parent_nright_str = convert(nvarchar(50), @parent_nright) -- update the parent task. -- update the outdent node and its children. set @sql_str = N' update ' + @node_table_name + N' set -- The level of the Parent Node is not changed. ntmLevel = case when InternalNodeID = ' + @outdent_parent_id_str + N' then ntmLevel else ntmLevel - 1 end ,ParentID = case when InternalNodeID = ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @OutdentID) + ''' then ' + @new_parent_id_str + ' else ParentID end ,nleft = case -- adjust the parent node when InternalNodeID = ' + @outdent_parent_id_str + ' then nleft when nleft between ' + @outdent_nleft_str + ' and ' + @outdent_nright_str + ' then nleft + 1 else nleft end ,nright = case -- adjust the parent node. when InternalNodeID = ' + @outdent_parent_id_str + N' then ' + @outdent_nleft_str + N' -- adjust the outdent node. when InternalNodeID = ' + @outdent_id_str + N' then ' + @parent_nright_str + N' when nleft between ' + @outdent_nleft_str + ' and ' + @outdent_nright_str + ' then nright + 1 else nright end where TreeID = ' + @tree_id_str + N' and ( -- this between operator includes the outdent_node and its children. (nleft between ' + @outdent_nleft_str + N' and ' + @outdent_nright_str + N') -- include the parent node OR InternalNodeID = ' + @outdent_parent_id_str + N')' execute sp_executesql @sql_str if @@Error <> 0 begin set @errormessage = 'Error updating children nodes.' goto TransactionError end end commit transaction return(1) TransactionError: rollback transaction ErrorHandler: return(-1) end GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO